45 results
Functional Skills English and maths - Provider Survey
The aim of this survey is to understand providers’ views and experiences of the reformed Functional Skills qualifications (FSQs) in English and maths. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until 11:59 on 28th March 2023. Please press the ‘online survey’ link below for further details and to start the survey. MoreClosed 28 March 2023 -
Functional Skills English and maths - student survey
This survey is for students who have taken at least one assessment in Functional Skills English or maths since August 2021. Reformed Functional Skills qualifications in English and maths were introduced in 2019 and Ofqual would like to understand your experiences of these qualifications as a student. The survey is quite short and will take around 10 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until 11:59 on 28th March 2023.... MoreClosed 28 March 2023 -
Regulating level 2 qualifications supporting progression to T Levels
In October 2022, DfE published the government’s response to its consultation on the ‘Review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below in England ’ . This response sets out DfE’s intentions for the future qualifications landscape at level 2 and below in England. It confirms the groups of qualifications that will be considered for public funding in the future grouped by level, purpose, and intended destination. The review of qualifications at level 2 and below will span... MoreClosed 6 April 2023 -
Updating Qualification Level Conditions for T Level Technical Qualifications
Please find the link to access the consultation questions below. The Department for Education (DfE) is changing its policy for how students can take the Core Exams and Core Project which are part of the Technical Qualification in a T Level. Instead of having to take both together the first time they take them, from September 2023, students will be able to take each separately. This means, for example, that instead of having to take the Core Exam and Core Project in a single series, as... MoreClosed 15 May 2023 -
Regulating level 2 and below qualifications supporting progression to higher levels of study
Ofqual is the independent regulator for qualifications in England. Ofqual’s statutory objectives include securing the standards of, and promoting public confidence in, regulated qualifications. Ofqual’s rules, which awarding organisations must follow, are designed to achieve this. Ofqual monitors their approaches to make sure they are meeting the rules and takes action if they are not. Ofqual’s regulation seeks to: ensure quality and fairness for students and... MoreClosed 25 May 2023 -
Proposed amendment to the assessment of Chinese and Japanese AS and A levels
Ofqual invites your views on a proposed amendment to the assessment requirements for AS and A level Chinese and Japanese qualifications being taught from autumn 2024. This consultation seeks views on whether, and if so how, Ofqual should amend a requirement for AS and A level qualifications in Chinese and Japanese that limits how many marks can be used for responses in English. Ofqual’s proposal is in response to a separate consultation launched by the Department for Education (DfE)... MoreClosed 31 May 2023 -
EDIA networks survey
Background to EDIAs: Ofqual’s focus on diversity and inclusion has increased over recent years with an aim to make the workforce more representative of the communities we serve. As part of this focus, following a callout for volunteers, 9 colleagues from across the organisation, representing a range of protected characteristics and minority groups, came together. In 2021, we met for the first time to begin to discuss how we could... MoreClosed 31 May 2023 -
Register your interest - Functional Skills employer focus group
Ofqual is currently conducting an evaluation of how it regulates reformed Functional Skills qualifications in English and maths. As part of this work, we would like to speak to apprenticeship employers and other employers involved with Functional Skills qualifications in English and maths. We are planning to hold online focus groups with a range of employers, to find out your views of the qualifications and how they are meeting the needs of employers. ... MoreClosed 29 June 2023 -
Ensuring the resilience of the qualifications system
Exams and formal assessments went ahead in 2022 for the first time since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and are expected to continue, as normal, from now on. This has been widely welcomed as exams and other formal assessments remain the best and fairest way of assessing what students know, understand and can do. The government does not expect to be in the situation again where exams do not go ahead. However, it remains good public policy to have contingency arrangements, even... MoreClosed 2 August 2023 -
Regulating level 2 and below Progression Qualifications
Ofqual is the independent regulator for qualifications in England. Ofqual’s statutory objectives include securing the standards of, and promoting public confidence in, regulated qualifications. Ofqual’s rules, which awarding organisations must follow, are designed to achieve this. Ofqual monitors their approaches to make sure they are meeting the rules and takes action if they are not. Ofqual’s regulation seeks to: ensure quality and fairness for students and... MoreClosed 14 September 2023 -
Survey on Draft Non-Statutory Guidance on Assigning Sector Subject Areas (SSAs)
Background In December 2022, the Department for Education (DfE) published a call for evidence as part of the joint review of the Sector Subject Area (SSA) classification system. The call for evidence sought to understand who uses the classification system, how they use it, and how far it meets their needs. Ofqual also published a survey for awarding organisations to try to understand if they faced any specific challenges in using the SSA classification system and how they assigned SSAs... MoreClosed 29 January 2024 -
Consultation on Sector Subject Area 6 title change
The Sector Subject Area (SSA) classification system is used to classify qualifications into sectors or subject areas. It is owned by Ofqual and used widely across the education and skills system. Ofqual and the Department for Education (DfE) have been undertaking a review of this classification system to ensure that it remains fit for purpose for future and emerging skills. Ofqual and DfE therefore issued a joint call for evidence earlier in the year to understand how the... MoreClosed 29 January 2024 -
Updating TQ QLCs relating to the number of Core and Occupational Specialism assessment series
This consultation proposes minor amendments to Ofqual’s Qualification Level Conditions (QLCs) for Technical Qualifications (TQs) within T Levels. The proposed amendments relate to the number of assessment series of the Core and Occupational Specialism (OS) assessments that awarding organisations are required to make available in each academic year. In the Assessment Requirements under TQ6 (Assessment), it is proposed to require an awarding organisation to provide: for the... MoreClosed 8 October 2024 -
Proposed changes to the assessment of mathematics, physics and combined science GCSEs in 2025, 2026 and 2027
Proposals at a glance Ofqual invites your views on proposed adaptations to the assessment of GCSEs in mathematics, physics and combined science for students in England taking exams in 2025, 2026 and 2027. The Department for Education (DfE) has confirmed its decision in relation to the subject content for which it is responsible that it is not necessary for students taking exams in 2025, 2026 and 2027 to memorise formulae for GCSE mathematics and equations for GCSE... MoreClosed 17 October 2024 -
Introducing principles into the General Conditions of Recognition
Ofqual is proposing to introduce a new Condition, referred to as the Principles Condition, within the General Conditions of Recognition. The Principles Condition contains 6 overarching principles and explains how these principles should be interpreted. Awarding organisations will be required to meet the Principles Condition by operating in a manner that reflects the following principles: Principle 1 – An awarding organisation must act with honesty and integrity. ... MoreOpened 6 November 2024
45 results.
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