Recognition Digital Service User Research (2023/24)

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Closes 31 Dec 2025

Information Sheet

Participant information sheet 

Project title: Recognition Gateway digital service 

Researchers:  Clair Andrews, Senior user researcher, Ofqual. 

About the research   

You have opted-in to take part in user research for the improvement and redesign of the Recognition Gateway digital service.   

Please read the details below.  

Ofqual is the regulator for qualifications, examinations, and assessments in England. We are undertaking user research and we are seeking to engage with you to understand all users experience of the Recognition Gateway.  

This research will help us to design our services in a way that meets the diverse needs of our users.  You can be assured that you will not be identified in the results of the research, but we may use some quotes you make as feedback to the design team. 

User research is separate and not associated with your registration, or application with Ofqual.  Your involvement in user research would not impact an ongoing registration, application, communication or relationship.  Taking part in the user research is voluntary and there is no payment for being part of this research.   

Please take time to read this Participant Information Sheet and ask any questions that you may have before deciding whether to take part.  

This research will take place from September 2023, your participation in research sessions will help us to design and improve the service in a way that meets the diverse need of our users.  

If you choose to participate in this research, your role could involve you taking part in a 60-minute video interview. A recording/transcript/notes will be made of the interview so that the named researchers can revisit the discussion for the purposes of research analysis and accuracy.    In addition, we may show you prototype designs of a new service that we will ask you to use, this will include you navigating the proposed service and providing feedback on your user experience.  

The information you provide will be used by Ofqual only. We will de-identify or delete personal data collected as part of the research in accordance with our privacy notice, and personalised data will not form part of any internal research presentation or feedback. 

Taking part in this research project is entirely voluntary. You do not have to participate, and you can withdraw from the research at any time without consequence. You do not have to give a reason. If you decide to withdraw your consent to participate in the research project, we may keep the information about you that we have already obtained to ensure research integrity.  

How to Contact Us   

If you have any questions about this research now, or that you think of later, you can contact:  

If you want to raise a concern about something which this research is not able to cover, please contact instead:   

If you wish to withdraw from this study at a later date contact:  

1. I have read and understood the information on this page.